

Synopsis :-Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is a Japanese anime television series adapted from the Fullmetal Alchemist manga by Hiromu Arakawa. Produced by Bones, the series is directed by Yasuhiro Irie, written by Hiroshi ÅŒnogi and composed by Akira Senju. Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood is the second anime television series based on Fullmetal Alchemist, the first being 2003's Fullmetal Alchemist. Unlike the previous adaptation, Brotherhood is a faithful adaptation directly following the original events of the manga. The series ran for 64 episodes on MBS–TBS from April 2009 to July 2010.


SERIES NAME                     :- Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood : Season 01
SEASON NO.                       :- 01

NO. OF EPISODES              :- 64

RELEASE YEAR                  :- Aug 25, 2010


GENRE                             :- Adventure, Dark Fantasy, Steampunk

QUALITY                          :- 1080 P

LANGUAGE                      :- English, Japanese [Dual Audio]

SIZE                                   :- 130-150 MB

RUNNING TIME              :- 20 Min Each Episode

Death Note Season 01 All Episodes In English Dubbed In 1080P

[Death Note Season 01 Episodes List]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 01 [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 02 [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 03  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 04  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 05  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 06  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 07  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 08  [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 09  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 10  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 11  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 12  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 13  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 14  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 15  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 16  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 17  [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 18  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 19 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 20 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 21 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 22 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 23 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 24 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 25 [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 26 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 27 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 28 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 29 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 30 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 31 [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 32 [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 33  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 34  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 35  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 36  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 37  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 38  [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 39  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 40  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 41  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 42  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 43  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 44  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 45  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 46  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 47  [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 48  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 49  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 50  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 51  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 52  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 53  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 54  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 55  [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 56  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 57  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 58  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 59  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 60  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 61 [1080P, 720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 62  [1080P/720P] 

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 63  [1080P/720P]

Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Season 01 Episode 64  [1080P/720P]

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